Light of the World Assembly of God Church

Dear Parents/Volunteers:
We want to thank you for supporting the Sunlight Kids Nursery. We are blessed to have individuals who truly care for our children and also for the opportunity to improve our program and services.  At this time, we would like to request snack donations that will be given out on a weekly basis. Snack time is a very important part of our new schedule which includes a short worship, bible lesson, and arts and crafts. We also know the children look forward to this time for fulfillment and socialization! Below is a list of the snacks that we are accepting. Please refrain from buying outside of this list as we are committed to having age appropriate and healthy choices.
Graham Crackers
Gold Fish
Animal Crackers
Cheese Crackers
Fruit gummies
Vanilla Wafers
Chex Mix
Trail Mix
Apple Juice
Juicy Juice
​Hug's Juices
Capri Suns

*We ask that no items containing peanut butter be purchased.
​ If you wish to contribute monetary please see Sister Elaine. Again, we value and appreciate your support.  Our children will be future leaders!

All for Christ,
​Nursery Committee